Sunday, April 17, 2011

Moments of Gratitude

Today during the Relief Society lesson on Charity, I felt a great sense of gratitude to my Heavenly Father for what little gift of charity I have received from him.  
      When I was seeking earnestly the gift of charity in my life, I had the preconceived idea that the Lord would bless me with more thoughtfulness, more awareness to others needs, more capacity to serve others.  I'm pretty sure that has not occurred (I guess I need to pray with those specific requests in my heart), but I have felt an increase of graciousness toward others.  I have been able to not be offended or feel that I am superior or better than those around me.  I have been kinder and more patient, giving others the benefit of the doubt, and more patient with their misconceived perceptions.  I've heard this scripture many times but it takes on new meaning when the spirit confirms that I have been blessed with these qualities and I cannot deny it.  
And Charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all thing, hopeth all things, endureth all things.                        
-Moroni 7:45      

What an amazing realization that fills my heart with peace. 
   My son, age 11, decided he wants to start the habit of studying the scriptures before going to bed.  Wow!  I never would have considered doing that at the age of 11.  Truely the Lord has inspired him to be filled with desire as he studies on his own with pencil and notebook.  I'm not even sure where he got that example from.
My husband has been diagnosed with pneumonia...again.   This has happened frequently in the last 3 years.  I am so grateful for modern medicine, where a disease that would have taken his life years ago, is simply an inconvience today. 
Even though I'm not the greatest storyteller, my family loves to hear me read.  Begging me to continue anytime there is an interruption, trying to hush the younger children so that I won't have to stop to be heard, dragging out dinner clean-up so that the story doesn't end.  Do you think the quality of the story might have something to do with it?  Anywho...I am grateful for the united feelings and shared experiences we receive through reading stories together.  More than the book is taking place.
I'm new to blogging, and reading other - more seasoned - bloggers is a little intimidating and sets a standard for me to reach for.  But I am so grateful for the amazing posts that I have recently read concerning scripture study, motherhood, and family life.  It is so inspiring and gives me hope and desire to work a little harder, seek a little more intently, reach a little higher, and improve myself and my family. 
With the birth of my baby, my medication for my thyroid (or substitute for my my thyroid) is in need of adjustment again.  But these last 6 weeks have been glorious to be able to rise in the morning and have enough energy to sustain me through the rest of the day.  I'm not sure the adjustment will give me such luxury but I am fully enjoying being able to be mom throughout the entire day and feel the same as others do on a regular basis. 
My attempts at eating healthier is so much easier that I anticipated.  The Lord has blessed me with the ability to stay true to the planned diet and made 'my burden light' so to speak.  I'm loving the moderation, the simplistic, the raw and whole foods that my body is receiving - and of all miracles - it isn't costing us more as I was sure it would.  I feel very grateful for my improved and sustained health, especially at this time in my life.