Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I’ve always associated circles and cycles as a positive, unifying, and progressive thing.

*The circulation system pumps life-preserving blood throughout the body and back to the heart to repeat all over again.

*A seed grows into a plant, creating new seeds which perpetuate the cycle. 

*The wheels on the bus (ha ha) go round and round to reach a new destination.

*The earth revolves around the life-sustaining sun, as well as rotates on its axis to create life-protecting gravity.  

*Even the Heavens have no beginning and no end – One eternal round.

And so the completing and repeating process of circles gives a sense of rebirth, continuation, and preservation. (Oh my, that sounds almost poetic)


However, lately, I’ve been noticing the negative aspects of being circular.  Spinning our wheels makes very little progress.

Waiting in a holding pattern (circling above the airport before permission is granted to land) keeps us from reaching the destination that is so close. 

Historical cycles can be very discouraging as we enter the downward curve rather than the upward recovery.  And the pride cycle, seen both as a nation as well as individually, is definitely a negative loop.   

I found it interesting the experiment a scientist did to prove the theory of our circular tendencies.  He took several groups of people, tagged them with a GPS, and then placed them in different surroundings (desert, forest, etc.) to see how they fare at reaching their desired destination.  He discovered that those who had a clear landmark or sunny days, walked in a straight line to their objective.  However, when the sky was cloudy and there were no visible landmarks, they inevitable walked in circles, sometimes walking on the very same path they had trod before without even realizing it. 

I don’t know if it has something to do with the circadian rhythm of the earth or if there is another natural law that causes this circular motion, but it becomes obvious that without direction or purpose, progress is impossible.

I’ve heard it said that a fool can be described as one who does the same thing but expects a different result. 

Meaningless repetitions.  Pointless habits.  Going around the issue rather than addressing it head on.  And I have had my share of ineffective and varied circles throughout my life. 

I’ve taken tangents away from my goal and end up doing a loop-de-loop, curlicues, coils, or slinky spirals.  Hopefully, eventually I find my way back to the original course. 

Sometimes I’ve pursued a goal – such as wealth, fun, popularity, even opportunity – and found I was twirling in the wind like a pinwheel (all for show - giving up what I want most, for what I want at the moment), rather than making true personal progress. 

Sometimes I am indecisive and am stuck in a roundabout – unsure which road to take to reach my goals. 

Sometimes I just don’t pay attention to the landmarks or the orientation of the light in my life and walk in circles – aimlessly wandering until I wake up enough to recognize my whereabouts. 

Sometimes I sabotage my own success through my own limiting beliefs, fear, doubt, etc. – repeating patterns of preventing circles (spinning wheel) rather than a progressing circle (spinning wheel with traction). 

All these radial events indicate that we’re loopy one way or another.  Either progressing, growing, and continuing - or waiting, preventing, and losing ground. 

Which circle are you in today?