Wednesday, May 18, 2011

! Keeping it Positive !

Aristotle:  I didn't have to follow up behind all the kids to make sure they took care of the animals by themselves.  Progress.

Galileo: I am more successful at following my morning schedule!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace and Harmony are just around the corner because the morning routine is definately a vital behavior. 

Wilberforce:  I'm living  a slightly more active and healtthy lifestyle by walking regularly.

Shakespeare:  Woot Woot!!! The phone rang - it was for me.  I...was chosen... to assistant counselor for the leadership retreat.  Yeah

Austen:  We got chicks!!!    And I got to watch two of them hatch. It was soooo amazing.

Washington:  I saw the pigs were out of water and I filled up barrell without being told to do it.  It's happening - I'm getting responsible. 

Hypatia:  I made a new friend with a girl who moved into our ward.