Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm so Grateful for - - -

Straight backs and chiropractors pain.  A couple of weeks ago, while picking up at item off the floor, my back stuck and couldn't even straighten up.  I had to yell to one of the kids to take the baby because I was stuck and was in pain that I almost dropped her.  With concentrated effort, I eventually got up but was crooked - I couldn't straighten my back at all and sort of leaned to the left.  I attempted to work through the pain but still got stuck a number of times, laying down was rather comical and nursing the baby in bed was a slow & painful process.  A few days later, I did go to the Chiropractor to fix it, but unfortunately it was a day that I was in the van all day for school with little kids.  I wasn't able to ice / heat the adjustment and was in a lot of pain.  Needless to say, the adjustment didn't take full effect and I've been slightly crooked for about two weeks now.  But gradually, I've noticed the leaning to the left has lessened a little until it is just a slight pain when I use poor posture.  The miracle wasn't instantaneous as I would have liked but I do believe my back is looking on the bright side.
The priesthood - I received a blessing from my husband when I hurt my back and we recently gave baby Enoch his official name (Obviously it's not really Enoch).   I'm so grateful that I have a worthy husband who honors his priesthood and can perform God''s work for our family. 
Second Chances -  I have been doing this housekeeping thing for quite a while now and I still struggle with a dirty house, fighting children, inconsistent routines, and disharmony in the home.  Obviously, I'm not perfecting my homemaking skills by my own efforts.  And just when I want to throw in the towel as a complete failure as it is affecting my children adversely, I start receiving promptings of encouragement, hope, and desire to try again and try harder. 
Scripture Journals - I recently read a blog about how she has kept a scripture journal over the years and what a priceless learning tool it has been to her.  So this last while, I began my own scripture journal as I begin the Book of Mormon again.  I've always felt I could ponder a verse fairly well in my thoughts or through a family discussion, but I'm finding sometimes I write down an insight before I even develop the thought in my mind.  It has been a fun way to study the scriptures.
Home Remedies - I woke up the other morning with a red, itchy and sore eye.  By the next day, the other eye started to feel irritated.  For some reason, the second eye got worse at an accelerated rate to where it was almost swollen shut.  I had heard of a home remedy that was extremely unconventional but I figured it was worth a try - since I did not want to make a trip to the doctor.  By the end of the day, there was marked improvement and now I have some weapon against my ignorance in regards to pink-eye. 
Blogs - I have really enjoyed reading blogs while I'm stuck on the couch nursing my baby for what seems long and frequent nursing sessions.  Most of them are from stay-at-home, homeschooling moms who are celebrating their roles of women and mothers.  I have felt such a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude for my mission as I have read the thoughts and marveled at the insights of these amazing women.  And I'm so inspired to improve my own home, marriage, testimony, homeschool, etc... that each day is a rush to implement as many new ideas (while still trying to maintain order & systems) that I can.
Say-Go-Be-Do's - I'm attempting to be more aware of the times when I start justifying away an impression that comes me and acting on it immediately.  There have been a couple times I recognized and act and a few times I acted and realized after the fact that it was a prompting I almost didn't follow.  Other times I probably kept my old pattern of justifying, rationalizing, and keeping myself to busy to respond at that particular moment.  But I'm going to be grateful for what little progress I am making and continue my efforts for further growth. 
Open Relationships - This last week, I've really gained an appreciation for and understanding of the value of having open relationships with our children so that we can talk about anything that may come up.  When I think of how distant and strained my relationship with my children could be, I am so grateful for the frequent discussions, joint prayers, family work, and bonding activities that lay the foundation for open relationships.