Friday, September 13, 2013

Spiritual Self-Reliance

The following is written version (as best as I can remember) of the talk I gave in church on Sept 8, 2013. 

When I got up this morning and began grooming and primping - I was focused on that task when Grady walked in and told me to take as long as I needed – to not rush on his account.  ………  It took me a while to figure out that he was referring to the talks.  But thanks to brother Hillman, our concerns are reversed since I am the concluding speaker. 

When brother Hillman called and asked us to speak – he seemed a little unsure on how to describe the subject.  He said ‘something along the lines of spiritual and temporal self-reliance’.  Grady has just addressed the topic of Temporal Self-reliance and so I’ve found four aspects of Spiritual self-reliance that I’d like to touch on today. 

The concept of self- reliance seems to indicate some type of personal power.  Some type of self-salvation.  That through our genius or intellect, through our good management of time and resources, or through our industry and efforts, through relying upon our own strength  – we are capable of accomplishing or succeeding in life or in anything.   

I propose that just the opposite is true.  It is through our dependence upon our own efforts that we place ourselves in spiritual bondage and actually prevent any true success or growth or salvation. 

Korihor, a great anti-Christ, promoted these very concepts of self- reliance. (Alma 30:17)

                                “And many more such things did he say unto them, telling them that there

 could be no atonement made for the sins of men,  but every man fared in

this life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man

prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according

to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime.”


All our efforts of self success – goal setting and visualization, or life-planning and life management, or push a little harder and persistence, to get beyond the splatt, believe in yourself -  all of these done without the sanction and guidance of the Lord, who is the true and only source of power, are manifestations of our vanity (in ourselves) and our unbelief (in Christ).

                So Self-reliance, Self-sufficiency, and Self-Mastery – in this perception – is hypocritical.

Professing Christ as our Savior, but then living as thou He doesn’t really matter


                I’ve heard it said that True Self-Reliance is relying on the only true source of power. 

True Self-sufficiency is turning to Him that is Sufficient. 

And True Self-Mastery is turning our self over to the Master. 


If we as a people turn to self before turning to God, we are dangerously close to the people of the church in Alma’s day. (Alma 4:6)  See if any of this rings true in our church today.

                                “…the people of the church began to wax proud, because of their

exceeding riches, and their fine silks, and their fine-twined linen,

and because of their many flocks and herds, and their gold and their

silver, and all manner of precious things, which they had obtained

by their industry; and in all these things were they lifted up in the

pride of their eyes,…. “


So instead of self-reliance, which may create feelings of self-power, maybe RELIANCE ON GOD (1).  Relying on his spirit to guide us.

Which brings us to the next facet of Spiritual self-reliance.  I like to call it our INNER ALLEGIANCE (2).

A number of years ago, I learned a word, at a two-day math seminar of all places.  And I didn’t think much on the word at that time but have since reflected on again and again.  It has been such an eye-opening concept to me as I’ve pondered the implications and seen my own folly in so many respects.  And so at the risk of not giving it fair justice in this brief outline I wanted to share it with you.  And I invite you to take some time and consider just where your inner allegiance lies.   

The word is Epistlemology. 

With the root being epistle.  It’s not necessarily the study of letters… but the study of knowledge, understanding, truth, or how one determines these things.  We, as the covanant people of God, would claim that we obtain knowledge and truth by revelation.  But I was surprised how frequently I put my trust and determining power in other epistlemologies. 


*Revelation (Knowledge revealed directly from God through his spirit)

                *Credentialism (revelation by an expert – someone with credentials rather than from God)
                 This is a big one in our society today.  There are so many experts that put their revelation 
                 out there for us to buy into.  Take for example, nutrition.  The experts, such as the FDA,
                 tells us what is good for our bodies and if they put their stamp of approval on a box of
                 something, we consume it without even considering that it is not in the form of a whole
                 food that was created by God.  We allow experts to tamper with our seeds (GMO’s), and
                 our seasons (fruit all year long), and our standard (The food guide pyramid).  Even if it is in
                 conflict with the revealed word of wisdom. 

Another area is with our health.  The experts called doctors council is above our own judgment  and we neglect to use the herbs or the priesthood first.   We adopt fad diets to lose weight rather than trust in the sweat of thy brow.

Education is a huge area where we are guided by experts.  If a professor (with credentials) says it, or a textbook (which is put together by experts) states it, or the system (which is established to separate God out of our education) promotes it – we accept it as the way it is – rather than being guided by the spirit.  How many times do we make sure our child is learning the common core standards, rather than seeking what the Lord wants them to learn.   We seek learning by what the experts dictate as learning rather than by study and by faith and using the power of the Holy Ghost to identify the truth of all things. 

One thing my daughter pointed out is our choice of careers is motivated by the credentials associated with it – how much money or success – rather than where our passion lies or what God would have us do to bring about his cause.

                *Mandarinism (An official or supposed authority declares truth)-

This is where we put our trust in these supposed or temporary authorities rather than in trusting in the supreme power and authority of the Kingdom of God.  This is where we vote based on what the polls indicate has a chance of winning, rather than voting our conscience of who would be the best choice.  This is where we support a political party, even when their platform is the ‘lesser of two evils’.  This is where judges make a ruling that is inconsistent with God’s laws – and we are ok with it.

                *Imperisism (the scientific method proves that it is true)

                                So much of our society buys into proof through the scientific method.  Which is
                                interesting because science is incapable of proof positive.  It can only disprove a
                                previous theory.  Only the Holy Ghost has been given the ability to prove a truth.                                  That is one of his purposes and yet we rarely are convinced of it unless it done 
                                through another mean. 

                *Pragmatism (the knowledge has stood the test of time and it works)

This is where the traditions of our fathers is where we put our trust.  The habits, the way things are done because it has always been done that way, the reason we cut off the end of the rump roast is because that is the way our mother did it.  Some of the traditions of our fathers are very good to continue in that path, such as our founding fathers or our spiritual leaders who have established systems or beliefs or traditions that are for our benefit.  But there are some that once we are on auto-pilot, we don’t even think just how inconsistent our behavior is with our beliefs. 

                *Aesthetisism (it is too ordered, beautiful, and symmetrical to be anything but true)
               I believe this is an epistlemology that is more prevelant in the eastern culture because, I
                haven’t found much of my own emphasis on this.  The only thing I question with this            
                concept is that if one were to look at the universe and be in awe of its majesty and beauty. 
                On one hand you have the creation and on the other hand you have the big bang theory. 
                Both theories claim to be the cause of this ordered universe, but one theory is seriously

                *Reason (the use of one’s own logic to prove something)

This is where we have the vanity, the audacity, the concept of self-power, to be the determining factor if something is true.  One might hear things as ‘It just stands to reason’, or ‘It’s only logical’.  I’m not promoting that we don’t use our reason, or to not think things through.  Quite the opposite.  It is only through pondering and weighing information that we can have the confirmation of the spirit to testify of a truth.  It is when we trust in our own ability to determine truth, without the spirit’s approval that I feel we verge on getting on unsafe ground. 

                *Historicism (lessons from history and cycles prove the knowledge as true)

                                Since I love history, I probably fall prey to this epistlemology more than I would
                                like.  This is where we conclude a truth, based solely on what has happened in the
                                past.  Seeing the cycles and repetitive nature of life, we trust in our conclusion,
                                rather than trusting in prophecy. 

Some ways we can identify as to where our inner allegiance lies is through some Human Tendencies. 


                This is a good thing.  We want our behavior to be consistent with our beliefs.  But if we reverse it, and look at our behavior, it is an indicator of where our epistlemology is and what are true beliefs are. 


This is why it is so important that we immerse ourselves in things of the spirit - in the scriptures, in the temple, in church, in family.  And not spend quite so much of our time familiarizing in things of the world.  So that we can have be familiar with and have confidence in - truth.

The third aspect of self-reliance is in regard to the ELEMENTS OF FREEDOM (3) that are associated with it.
Freedom is two-fold:  Freedom from outward compulsion, which I’ll address in a moment   as well as freedom from the adversaries influence.

Our bodies are in a fallen state which puts us not only subject to the influence of Satan, but it is our default if we do not consciously choose out of it.  When we are spiritually self-reliant or choose to yield to the enticings of the holy ghost, we experience spiritual freedom from that default. 

I grew up in a very LDS family along with my younger brother.  We had the same family home evening every Monday night, the same family scripture study and family prayer.  The same parental influence and family standards, and yet my younger brother’s inner allegiance was very different than mine.  He must have put too much merit into the other epistlemologies and world views and philosophies of men.  Which has put him in both spiritual and physical bondage.

                For the last several years he has had semi-permanent residence in prisons, mental hospitals, and Alocoholics Anonymous, with heavy medications, and the debilitating effects of being a social outcast.   While growing up, he had every opportunity to strengthen his testimony of the Savior, but he could lean on our parent’s testimony for only so long before the default of the fallen nature took over. 

                I’m happy to say, that he may have hit rock bottom and in his last letter, it looks very promising of him finally believing and trusting in a higher power – and he is looking at his parents beliefs with the idea that maybe they were right after all.  Maybe he needs to not only believe in God but also have a real, personal relationship with him. 

Elder Marion G. Romney said-

                                “Whenever we get into a situation which threatens our self-reliance,
we will find our freedom threatened as well.  If we increase our dependence, we will find an immediate decrease in our freedom to act.”

I’ve heard it said that the way to gain Independence is through independents.  Dependents are consumers, handout takers, and crowd followers who conform to outward pressures.  Independents are producers, owners, creators who weigh choices and make a conscious decision based on their internal government and correct principles. 

A number of years ago, I read a little pamphlet written by Ezra Taft Benson when he was the secretary of Agriculture.  It wasn’t very big but it has affected my choices and thinking processes in a big way.  It is entitled “The Proper Role of Government” and basically it outlines what government should do and how it shouldn’t step out of those boundaries.  I profess to be honest in my dealings with my fellowmen, but he pointed out that when I accept handouts from the gov’t, I am stealing from my neighbor without their consent.  The concept was very powerful in helping me want to choose to be governed by correct principles, rather than by opportunity.   I considered that if I wasn’t forced to provide for my neighbor (forced charity) through unjust taxation, I couldn’t wait for the phone to ring with some charity asking for aid.  I got excited about the concept of setting aside a certain amount of money for philanthropy and seeking out the opportunities of doing good in the world.  Helping the homeless, seeking some good cause to promote, supporting some entrepreneurial idea that will bring about positive change in the world.  I know we can do this right now if we choose to but it would be a lot easier if the government didn’t always have their hands in our pockets.

Physical freedom from tyrannical gov’t is created through temporal acts, such as grow your own food, or make your own, well, anything – but the desire to be free, the intent, and the decision to choose those temporal acts for the cause of freedom, even if it is uncomfortable or inconvenient, is spiritual in nature.

Once we have the freedom to have abundance, we can choose to serve.  That brings us to the fourth aspect of spiritual self-reliance.  It is a precursor to serve, a prerequisite to living the celestial Law, the foundational element of building Zion.   

The Lord does not encourage self-reliance so that we can stand alone – He promotes Unity.  He doesn’t encourage it so we can have an advantage over those who were not wise enough to act – He invites all to receive the blessings which he has to offer.  Neither does he encourage it so that he doesn’t have to provide for our temporal needs – He created all the heavens and the earth and is very capable of taking care of our physical needs.  But he doesn’t do for us what we are capable of doing for ourselves.   All of His commandments are gifts of how to be truly happy…and only through self-reliance can we position ourselves to do what will bring genuine happiness  - through serving each other.

That is God’s way of perfecting the saints – The “Have’s” serve “Have not’s”.  Not in a robin hood type of redistribution of wealth or give handouts of fish, but because we feel genuine love for each other, we teach each other how to fish.  Those who ‘have’ abundance are sanctified by the sacrifice they make to help those less fortunate.  And those who ‘have not’ are sanctified by humbling themselves to receive aid until they can get on their own feet.  And when they can, they in turn help those with their talents or their abundance when they receive it. 

In the 1982 General Conference it states:

“How can we give if there is nothing there?  Food for the hungry

cannot come from empty shelves.  Money to assist the needy

cannot come from an empty purse.  Support and understanding

cannot come from the emotionally starved.  Teaching cannot come

from the unlearned.  And most important of all, spiritual guidance

cannot come from the spiritually weak. “

 President Uchtdorf said:

                                “Our spiritual progress is inseparably bound together with the temporal

service we give to others.  The one complements the other.  The one

without the other is a counterfeit of God’s plan of happiness. “…

                                “For it is in sacrificing our time, talents, and resources that our spirits

mature and become refined.”

That spiritual refinement that must take place before Zion can be established.  That spiritual refinement that the Celestial law requires.  Where we are one heart and one mind, until there is no poor among us.  That is why we should become spiritually self-reliant.  That is why we should become temporally self-reliant.  So that we can create a Zion society.    

These four aspects  (1)Reliance on the Savior… (2)aligning our Inner Allegiance on him and his spirit…  (3) Choosing the Elements of Freedom…  and (4)laying the foundation to serve, to live the celestial law, and to create Zion.  It is my prayer that we can all work on ourselves and serve each other.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen