Tuesday, December 31, 2013

To Know - Our Personal Central Intelligence Agency


That question has consumed my thoughts this last couple of months.  Maybe not in the sense which the question implies doubt or frustration with the way things have turned out, but in a sense which seeks for understanding. 

Why must I know something before I believe it?

Why do human beings feel they have to have proof or evidence of something? 

What is it about human nature that compels us to have proof for our actions or beliefs or opinions?  

I don't know if I'm making much sense here so let me give a little background.  I've had several incidents in my life lately where others were at a crossroads and had drawn conclusions based on their searching.  Most of them have been in a religious nature.  One was seeking for confirmation whether organized religion or a particular organized religion was the course they wanted to pursue.  Another had drawn the conclusion that there is no possible way to know that God even exists.  Another had made a conscious decision to abandon their faith after years of devotion and covenant making.  There were other events as well, but these three weighed heavy on my mind... and on my heart. 

I understand they have their agency and are free to make choices that are contrary to mine.  I understand that they had used a different epistlemology or concluded their decision based on information from different sources than I would have used - especially in spiritual matters.  I get that.  But the question kept coming up as - WHY.  Why do we feel the need to gather evidence - no matter what the source - to support our decisions. 

Then I considered the alternative - Making decisions or using our agency without some type of evidence.  We'd be basically blind followers of whatever whim of doctrine or idea is thrown at us.  That is not a good image.  But when you think about it, that seems to be exactly what we have, even with the internal drive to prove our decisions.  Everyone has different conclusions with the exact same information and events available.  Their experiences, nature, and adopted beliefs result in different conclusions. 

I understand the worldview that takes the easy route.  Stating that: All things are equal and everything is truth.  There is no evil; there is no Satan; there is no God; It's all good and all relative.  This philosophy is a cop-out and attempts to discredit evidence that doesn't work in their favor for a conscious free living. But it still is an attempt to provide evidence for their choice.

I understand the more scientific view - that the mind is a powerful thing and can prove or disprove anything it wants to.  Again, attempting to level the playing field to justify the choices made. 

With all the philosophies and worldviews I've been exposed to, there are endless possibilities of defining truth and endless venues to create evidence for an idea.  These endless possibilities make it convenient to explain our choices. 

But I'm a person of faith.  I don't believe all things are equal.  I don't believe spiritual matters don't exist.  I KNOW there are absolute truths and absolute deceptions.  I KNOW that half-truths and partial truths are incredibly convincing evidence for an idea or conclusion.  But I couldn't pin point why we felt impelled to provide evidence for our ideologies.

So I'm trying to figure this thing out and then it dawns on me.  One of those 'duh...' moments.

It's all part of the plan.  That drive, that need, is given to us as part of the package of agency.  If we didn't desire to have evidence or proof for our decisions, we would not have a fair test of our agency.

How can we know if we have chosen to take the spirit for our guide, if we don't have a multiple choice option to test our integrity. 

How can be we be accountable for the choices we make, if we don't have the need to weigh the options and choose our course based on our conclusions.  If we were blindly obedient and without a need to gather evidence, it would be pointless. 

I'm not sure why I'm driven to understand the "why" and I'm not sure I've not confused any reader with my aimless ramblings, but it's another example of seeking understanding in my search for truth. 

The gift of agency isn't just freedom of choice, it is a package deal.  Intelligence and deductions have to be part of it.  We become our own CIA - Central intelligence Agency - because we have the power to choose, the drive to choose wisely, and it has to be a personal decision that we are accountable for.