Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Positive Review

Aristotle - I'm cutting up meat to put in our freezer and feed the family.

Galileo -  We got a good portion of the Garage cleaned and organized.   

Wilberforce - I have work enough to do - Lemonade Standing

Shakespeare - Twelfth Night performances were a success - AND I don't have to wear make-up that causes a rash reaction anymore.

Austen - We got a baby cow - we named it 'Dow-so-gute'  Just Dow for short

Washington - I got my PAC done on time and got 10 cents too.

Hypatia - We went 'Singing in the Rain' for Family Home Evening & I was the only one with an umbrella. 

Joan of Arc - I got a new bed frame so I'm seeing world off the floor.

Enoch - I got my port-a-crib set up and sleep in it a little every night.