Saturday, May 18, 2013

'The Quilt Maker's Gift"

I don’t know what it is about quilting story books that catch my eye, but I knew when I saw ‘The Quilt Makers Gift’ on the library shelf that it would be a quality read.  I think I got even more than I bargained for.  This charming story whose pages are filled with color, patterns, and lovely illustrations, which tell a story in addition to the written text, is captivating to the eye as well as the heart.  I began reading to my daughter as she snuggled me on the couch.  Soon, my son climbs up on my lap also.  Before I got to the fifth page, all six of my children were crouched around me, intently listening and studying the pictures.  
                The premise of the story is about an older woman who lives alone in the mountains, making beautiful quilts to give to those who are less fortunate.  She is so devoted to her purpose that she refuses to sell or make quilts for anyone who could afford to pay for it.  As soon as she finished a quilt, she would carry it around from town to town until she found someone who was homeless or chilled in the night air.  She would gently wrap the quilt around them and then return to the mountain to make another one.  The news of her quilt’s quality had reached a very powerful and greedy king who insisted on having one made for him.  As she refused, the king became more insistent on getting his way.  He felt that her quilt would be able to finally make him happy.  After some consideration, she said that she would make him a quilt if he would give away all that he owned.  It took the king some time to agree but eventually he gave away a few items.  As the recipients were thrilled with their gifts, he began to enjoy giving others pleasure.  For years, he traveled the world, giving away everything he had to those in need.  Eventually, he had nothing left to give and he was truly poor and needy himself.  It was then that the quilt maker gave him the promised quilt.  He then refused to acknowledge that he was poor, even though he owned nothing.  With his heart full to bursting with joy in giving, he received all the riches he could ever want. 
Of course, this summary loses a lot of the charm in the translation, but I was impressed with integrity of the quilt maker.  She had clearly defined her purpose - she knew what gave her joy.  She was not distracted by riches, or authority, or any other possible fake pursuits of happiness.  She knew she had a service to render to the world and consistently, patiently fulfilled her work.  I want to be so dedicated and non-distractable in what truely matters in my own life.