Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Preparing for School at Home

I love reading other homeschooler blogs.  I love seeing how they prepare and engage in their children’s learning.  And I love the planning stage of learning – planning the curriculum, planning the schedules, planning the activities and especially the books we’ll add to our portfolio.  So I thought I would take advantage of this blog to record my preparations for the upcoming school year along with the “why’s” and “how’s” of my homeschooling adventure. 

I have been homeschooling for about 18 years – so you’d think I might be somewhat of an expert in the field.  In all honesty, I cannot claim anything of the kind.  Every year seems to be an experimental year.  Either there is some new curriculum, some new philosophy, some new circumstance, or a child that responds so differently than the previous one that it’s a whole new experience.   So in that respect, I am continually learning each year on how to home school. 

Also, I consider myself a leader in certain areas, and a definite follower in others.  For instance, if it is something that I know to be morally wrong, I may do my own thing whether there is someone else being the leader / example or not.  However, if it is something that really isn’t that important – I glean as many ideas and how-to from others who seem to be pioneers in the field.  I’ve considered creating a custom curriculum or method of educating at home to commercialize, but what others have done seems to work pretty well, so I simply customize it for my personal use. 

With that said, I would like to share my preparations for Home Education in the following areas:

                *Establishing my ‘Why’
                *My Homeschool Philosophy
                *The MAP
                *Choosing Curriculum
                *Finding a Mentor
                *Schedules & Rhythms
                *Orders and Routines
                *Course of Study
                *Setting up binders
                *Setting up the school room
                *Updating transcripts and reading records
                *Keeping Records
                *SPICEE Mtgs – Compass
                *Education Portfolio – Education Journal
                *What about socialization
                *Including the debrief
                *Including the 8 keys and 5 environments
                *Including my education – You, Not Them
                *How to Inspire

Wish me luck.