Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Mother's Retreat - Refreshment for the Soul

Last night, I escaped reality for an night of edification, silliness, and comradery.  I'm so grateful I took advantage of the  opportunity to attend the Mother's Retreat.  Some of the things I learned might include:

1) It's good for the family to be free of mom for a night.  It helps them appreciate my contribution, feel the emptiness when I'm gone, and experience their father's expectations rather than my tempered ones.

2) I have a lot of masculine energy, some very influential feminine energy, and I'm pretty good at making sure I nurture my daily needs (although the retreat was most refreshing)

3) I cannot build and tear down at the same time.  Others or myself.  When I set goals and minutes later say something derogatory about myself - it is like a child  who builds a tower and then throws a missile at the base - there is no permanence of growth or stabilizing the foundation. 

4) Every Master started as a Disaster.  There is hope - Once I get my 10,000 hours in I should have it made.

5) I need to develop two new beliefs, and regularly dig up the evidence - 1) That I don't have to be in audience mode or presentation mode in bigger group settings 2)God has given me the answers that I am seeking.

6) Maybe I shouldn't participate in sleepovers at my age.  My late hour of retiring, snoring, and unplanned alarms going off with other's inability to stay asleep is not a good combination. 

7) I have got such an amazing group of friends and associates that share in or inspire me in weirdness.
8) The simplicity on this side of complexity is a facade, and only through embracing, surrendering, and learning from the complexity (working through the burn), can the simplicity on the other side of complexity ever exhibit the genuine real deal.

9) My vision and my mission can change with my current heart's desire - I am called to the work of my choosing. 

10) I am so blessed to be a laid back person - because so many of life's little trials escape my notice, or are so insignificant with the big picture of eternity, that I am not bogged down by them.  So Grateful.