Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Lessons from Myself

I love it when I learn wisdom from myself.  ….  Let me try explain.  It seems there are times when I blog or even in a conversation, I think I’ve already internalized the lessons that I’m “preaching”.  It came from within so hopefully the lessons were there to stay.  Right.  I’m finding that isn’t always the case. 

In regard to my post regarding having faith in Fear, I had pondered that concept for well over two months and believed I had had a fairly firm grasp on it.  It probably wasn’t a week later I had a huge trial where I was overcome with fear.  Not a life or death fear, but a paralyzing fear all the same.  I was sobbing as I experienced that unnecessary pain.  Then it occurred to me that I was full of faith…Faith in Fear.  Faith that I couldn’t have what I so desperately wanted. Faith that the past would repeat itself.  Faith that I wasn’t good enough, or blessed enough, or simply… enough to have what I wanted for my family.  Well, that realization brought a whole new level of pain because I knew I could choose out of it but felt powerless to do so. 

          As always, time, re-evaluating my situation, and trusting that God was aware of my pain brought peace to my heart.  I had learned to have faith in God, and put my selfish fears aside for something even better.  But what is interesting to me is the fact that I learned from my own writing, my own musings. 

          It happened again yesterday.  I went visiting teaching and it was a very typical visit.  I sat on the couch between the two sisters who chatted back and forth (they’ve known each other a lot longer than I’ve known them) with my little inserts here and there.  One of my inserts was a comment that I didn’t really think much about – it just came out and I figured it was true enough.  They were talking back and forth about all the things they worry and fret about.  I casually said that if we would just put our energies into doing the things we are supposed to do, we would be too busy to worry about the things we can’t do anything about.  They agreed with the comment that we aren’t getting everything done they should and that was probably good advice.  That was the end of it. 

          Then this morning I woke up around 4:00am.  Just woke up for no reason at all.  As I lay there, my mind wandered to all the things that are going wrong in my life. 

*Both of my adult children have been unable to find employment, and are just stuck in life.  Shakespeare can’t pursue her education, or work in a third world country (her latest desire) because she has no way to pay for anything.  Due to the isolated nature of where we live, they aren’t dating or experiencing much of anything socially.  And she’s struggling with a claustrophic depression, caused by the timing or need to leave home but not being able to come up with the means. 

*My son also concerns me greatly.  He has taken to beating himself up and constantly reinforcing how horrible he is.  He seems stuck in this downward spiral of loathing self and creating opportunities to loathe himself some more.  It goes without saying that I can’t trust him to do a large majority of what I ask him to because that would create success and would sabotage his self-fulfilling prophecy. 

*This of course causes contention for the rest of the family and chaos in the function of the home.  His well-meaning sisters, (who resent him for his poor choice of behavior) try to correct him, which goes over like a brick floating in water. Everyone’s heart is at war and peace is becoming a foreign concept.    

*I’ve been so focused on getting my house in order so that we can function somewhat normally, that I’ve not taken time to ‘be’ with my younger children.  Yes they got fed and diapers changed but the heart of mommy has been far removed.  Needless to say, their deficit is becoming painfully known.  Fighting, bossing, hitting, whining, demanding, and all around snottyness is becoming their norm. 

*As mentioned before, I have really been putting a focus on specific areas.  The yard and garden are finally getting attention.  The laundry was finally caught up.  Errands and finances have been put into order.  And I’ve been wracking my brain trying to create an opportunity as well as finish preparations for school to begin.  The combination of focused energy and neglected children, I’ve not had the desire to enforce appropriate behavior standards.  The chores are less than ok and the morale of the home is even less than that.  I went to bed last night with no desire to even be a mom for awhile.  Pretty sad. 

          So, this morning when I woke up and was stewing over the sad state of affairs in the Osburn household, I decided to get up and pour my soul out to God.  Before I said anything, my thoughts turned to that comment I made during Visiting Teaching. If I would just do the things that I’m supposed to do instead of worry about the things I can’t control – I wouldn’t have time to fret.   And so instead of pleading for help, I felt to thank him for the peace I was beginning to feel.  I asked for power to put my energies into loving and supporting my children better and asked forgiveness for my selfish behavior lately. It was an interesting shift of energy.  Before I knelt down, I felt pretty high on the hopeless scale.  And as soon as I channeled my thoughts, I felt peace, empowerment, assurance, and ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work. 

‘Let go and Let God’ is a powerful concept.