Monday, November 17, 2014

The Power of Unity

I feel Alone.

I understand that I’m not alone, but there are times that I feel alone and completely powerless.  What can be done?  Others have their agency and are free to act for themselves and if I didn’t care about them or their welfare, there would be no problem. 

Fortunately, I do care.  But it does bring feelings of temporary hopelessness, powerlessness, and isolation. 

I think that is why this address by Elder Wong of the Seventy has been so hard for me to digest. 

It speaks to my heart’s desire, but is a painful reminder that I currently don’t have the resources that he suggests as a solution.  

I get that I do have powerful resources.  The most powerful resources – legions of angels and a loving Savior and Heavenly Father who are rooting for my and their success.  I have abundant desire and faith that the rescue is possible.  I have promises that my prayers are heard and will be answered in my best interest.  I have ample evidence and tender mercies that the above power is working in my life.  I have a loving husband and family who support me in my desire and efforts.  I have the power of fasting, personal prayer, righteous living, and the temple’s prayer circle.  I have HOPE.  I know I am not alone. 

But I don’t have a bishop, a missionary, a relief society president, an elder’s quorum president, or an Aaronic priesthood youth who are interacting in the lives of my distant friends.  Becoming friends, sharing their influence, and bringing goodness into their life.  At least not to my knowledge.  And so now I am wondering if my influence or faith or desire. . . is enough.  Elder Wong said that Unity is essential in the rescuing effort. 

I long for unity.  Especially since we live in a divided nation.  As I study the scriptures and see the need for unity in developing a Zion people, I struggle with the disconnect in everyday living.   

The City of Enoch was so united that they were translated.  The Nephites (without the -ites) were united and experienced peace for over 200 years.  And with the knowledge that, that kind of unity is necessary in order to live the celestial law, I can’t help but wonder how to bring it about.  My life’s mission is to provide a baby step in that direction. 

I’ve experienced to a small degree the power of unity in my own life.  All my life, I’ve said personal prayers and have been blessed by so doing.  But when my husband and I started holding evening couple prayers – and not just saying a prayer but really pouring out our heart’s desire and confessing our sins and seeking the Lord’s power in our lives, the prayer was different.  I could feel the Lord’s sanction of our unity and my abilities had increased as well as my desires.  We have had an increase in our love for one another and an increase of love for the Savior.  As well as an alignment of goals and communication.  Yes – Unity is powerful.

I’m not sure where to go from here, in order to COUNSEL TOGETHER of those with whom I desire to rescue from ignorance, addictions, false traditions, deceptions, and distractions.  But I reinforced my desire to be united in that effort.  And if I pray about that desire, I know the Lord will provide a solution somehow. . . . . .  someday.