Thursday, April 28, 2011


Galileo - We've been planning on going to Cedar City to pick up 'Wilberforce' from school, but have had this nagging thought that I shouldn't take baby Enoch on the trip.  I attempted to discuss it with Aristotle last night but he didn't hear me.  Then this morning, he asked me if I thought it would be a good idea to go on the trip or if he should go alone.  That confirmed to me that I should probably stay home. 

Shakespeare - While driving to Idaho Falls, I repeatedly felt this strong voice in my head to stop while on the freeway.  Mommy was driving so I wasn't sure what to do.  We discussed it while driving and she wasn't sure how she could stop on the freeway.  So we quickly finished our business and headed back to the spot where the impression came.  Unfortunately, after about an hour of searching, we couldn't find anything but I was filled with a deep sense of peace.

Austen - One Monday, I was home alone after babysitting for a neighbor.  I had  a feeling that I should work on some of my homework, but I told myself that I would do it when my mommy got home.  Unfortunately, until that didn't happen until after 9:00 that night and so I didn't get anything done (and I'm still behind)

Washington - This morning while doing my chores, I had the thought to check the pigs water trough, even though it was filled last night.  I didn't want to but my papa told me to check it also.  It was full but at least I checked it.