Monday, April 4, 2011

Return and Report 4/4

Galileo - I searched Journal of Discourses vol. 2 for insights on tithing.  PAC (pre-flight, animals, chores) Devotional (also introduced blog pseudonyms, bios, & daily reports), put together adventure boxes.  Finalized blog intro page. Figured out how Galileo determined the formulas for the relationship between time and velocity & distance. Visited with Wilberforce. Read from 'The other Side of the Mountain".  Blogged some more.  Took care of baby Enoch. Circle the wagons.  Family reading.

Shakespeare - I worked on my constitution journal.  Galileo experimentation.  I also worked on my father's finances (since I'm now his secretary). Made dinner.  Exercised. Family Reading.

Austen -  Galileo Experimentation.  George Washington's farewell address vocabulary - 5 words.  Constitution journal (one section).  Art practice - cougar.  Exercise.  Family Reading.

Washington -  Galileo experimentation. Wrote list of qualities admired in a person.   Read 'Squanto'.  Exercised.  Helped Aristotle fix a pigpen. Hauled 5 metal beams (for pigpen)  Family Reading.

Hypatia - Galileo experimentation.  Wrote a thank-you card to teacher. Family Reading.  Exercised.