Thursday, July 21, 2011

Character Olympic Training

We've begun our efforts to conquer the giants within.  At the beginning of the week, I invited Washington to begin his Olympic training.  We went aside and discussed what parts of his character needed strengthened or if he would like to improve on his stewardships.  After listing several options, he chose the one he wanted to focus on first - Cheerfulness.  He has personally struggled with this skill all his life and so hopefully this is a vital behavior that will produce positive results elsewhere also.   We discussed how the natural man may resist being cheerful (slothful, lazy, looking for excuses, etc.)  and how Satan and his followers know this is a weak spot for him and will exploit it every chance they get.   Recognizing that this flaw was not all his own fault seemed to encourage him to engage in battle with greater ferocity. 

So each time he has an episode where he may not be responding in a cheerful manner, the training takes place.  The first offense is usually running around the house 10 times.  If he is persistent in feeling sorry for himself, he adds 10 more times. 

     The results have thus far been a greater patience on my part in helping him desire to choose cheerfulness.  I have a planned response and we both know his intentions are noble even if his carry through is behind.  My abilty to cheer him on in his efforts and recognize his victories has increased.  
      He is getting some desperately needed physical exercise as well as a few moments to distance himself from whatever triggered the poor response in the first place.   This allows him to reconsider how he chooses to respond.