Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thats My Bike

When my papa went on his mission, he had a companion named Pomatae.   Pomatae was a Samoan Samoans are big and strong.
        One time my papa's and Pomatae's bikes were stolen, my papa was mad but Pomatae only said "Its OK ossy the lord will provide." ( Ossy was my papa's Nick-name).  Latter that year my papa and Pomatae were walking down the sreet, when a  man came riding past on a bike.  Pomatae started  to run after the man on the bike, and yelled "HEY THAT'S MY BIKE."  The man jumped of and ran, the bike kept on going for a little and then fell.  Pomatae whent and picked it up and brought it back to my papa and said "See ossy the lord will provide."  My papa said to pomatae "Elder you just stole that bike."  Pomatae said in return "Its not his anyway