Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Individual Element

The human body.

It is fascinating on so many levels.  Each body is made up of components called organs, which are made up of components called cells, which are made up of components called organelles, which are made up of components called atoms, which are made up of components called atomic particles, which are made up of components called quarks, which are made up of components called. . . . .  and so it goes.

Each component can be broken down to smaller and smaller parts.  Each part is necessary to perform the design of that component.

Conversely, the human body can also be a component of a larger function.  For instance, a person is part of a family, which is part of a community, which is part of a nation, which is part of the world, which is part of the solar system, which is part of . . . .

Bigger and bigger. Never ending.

These thoughts crossed my mind while pondering the talk by President Boyd K. Packer.

He mentions that each member of this church is a critical element in the body of Christ.  I’m pretty sure this is a symbolic reference rather than a physical adaptation.  So along those lines, each person is a part of the family. . . ., the community. . . . , the nation. . . . ., etc… of Christ’s kingdom.  But not only that, it is the testimony of Jesus Christ, or the spiritual strength, of each member that defines His success. 

Tangent here.  I vaguely remember watching the modern version of Clash of the Titans.  It was a little challenging to stomach with the amount of artistic license that was taken.  But one of the concepts was that the Greek god’s strength was only in proportion to the belief of their followers.  And when everyone stopped believing . . .  then the “god” was completely powerless. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if Satan (or his followers) truly believe this about Heavenly Father.  The campaign to stop believing in God is strong and having great success.  I find both truth and a great error in this philosophy.  It is true that God’s glory is defined by those who worship him, and He will be successful only by us choosing to follow his plan.  But the error lies in assuming that he will be without power if we stop believing.  The only one who is without power is the one who stops believing.  Or have we forgotten the lesson of Noah.  Everyone on the earth stopped believing to the point that there was no good in them at all – so God (still very much in power, but very saddened by the lack of belief) wiped out all human existence . . .  save one little preserved ark.

So when I say the success of Christ’s kingdom is pending the spiritual strength of its members - don’t equate power with success. 

President Packer continues with the reference to the war we are engaged in against the adversary.  Stating that each and every member of the church, with a spiritually strong testimony, is necessary to win against Satan.  In other words, the people have to be united and the caliber of Captain Moroni in order for Satan to be bound. 

Again, Satan is bound already to Heavenly Father.  He is subject to obey God’s every command.  The only reason he has been allowed any power is because it provides the opposition necessary for His plan and our progress.  But Satan is not bound to me and he’s not bound to you, at least not yet.  The only way which he will be bound in this life, is if we unite ourselves and fortify our testimonies of Christ.  (Again a reference to Captain Moroni – fortifying cities against the enemy)

This earthly sojourn is our boot camp and battlefield all rolled up into one.  We are in enemy territory receiving our battle training line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little – with each critical choice we either put on armament or remove it. 

And each warrior's preparedness makes or breaks the strength of the army. 

Continuing the body analogy, if a cell (say an individual) mutates or becomes cancerous (apostates) and it starts to break down the cells surrounding them, it will eventually affect the whole system adversely.  If a cell is “luke warm” so to speak, it could be considered a fat cell (spectator members), not part of the powerhouse of the body but sits there in storage to possibly be used some day.  If a cell is actively doing its part (participating member) – magnifying its callings, applying the Sunday school answers, exercising faith – it is a healthy and productive element of the system.  Fulfilling the measure of their creation.  And when other good cells combine, it makes for a healthy organ (wards/stakes/regions/areas) and a healthy and successful body.

I’m a believer in the power of One.  I’ve seen its effect in both directions. 

The decisions an ancestor made has affected generations. The ripple effect (or the butterfly effect) truly reaches out beyond our own little circle.   Consider the influence of one person in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life".  One person can make all the difference in the lives of so many people.  

Yes, I believe in the power of One.  

So what can one person do to make a positive difference in His Kingdom.  That's simple.  Find your purpose and accomplish it.  Seek revelation and fulfill the measure of your creation.  And when we do that, and unify with others doing the same thing, the individual element becomes a legion of warriors.