Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We have a SPICEE Award Winner. 

Washington has completed all the tasks in each of the SPICEE categories before the last day of school and so, true to the contract, we will be entering the sliding doors of the Toys-R-Us store so that he can purchase a toy of his choice.  (Hopefully he'll choose something within our price range or we may have to put a dollar amount on it)

Washington completed the following goals this last semester.

S (Saintly) -  Morning and Evening Personal Prayers - 2 months
               -  Read Scriptures - 4X/wk - 2 months

P (Prosperity) -  Maintain Blood Glucose below 200 - 2 months

I (Inspired)  -  Structured Time for math activities
                  -  Structured Time for Language Arts Activities
                  -  Publish on Family blogspot - 3X
                  -  Read approved books - 2

C (Creativity)  - Complete requirements for all the Webelos Pins (20 pins)

E (Energy)  -  Regular physical Activity
                -  Brush teeth daily - 1 month

E (Entertainment) -  Plan a part of our monthly parties
                          -  Invite a friend to play monthly