Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer School - Zion's Trek, summer reading, & evening routine

Summer School has begun.  Our family set a new goal for the summer and it was practically unanimous.  We decided to focus on our health.  Initially there was talk of trying to lose so many pounds or inches, or even be able to do some pretty amazing physcial tasks, but I didn't like the feeling that was associated with that purpose.  I wanted the feel to be more of taking charge of our stewardship, our temple.  So we put a little religious twist to it so that our purpose for becoming more healthy is to be fit for the Kingdom as we trek from Hamer to Missouri to establish Zion.  

We calculated it to be about 1227 miles from here to there and so we needed some way to represent our progress.

A recent class on whole foods was our criteria for the journey.  We work toward our destination by doing the following things:
                      1)  Drink lots of water - 1quart for every 50 lbs we weigh
                      2)  Eat only whole foods - no refined sugars or processed grains
                      3)  Eat lots of Vegetables - 3 to 5 servings a day
                      4)  Physical Activity - at least a half hour 
                      5)  Retire to and Rise from bed Early in order to have quiet time for inspiration,
                            pondering, and study.

And since we wouldn't ever consider leaving a family member behind on a real trek, we are combining our efforts to make the journey.  It takes out the competitive edge but encourages everyones success and contribution.   Hopefully, we'll make at least 15 combined effort miles each day in order to reach Independence, Missouri by the end of the Summer (August 31st).

Summer Reading Program

My children are all excited about participating in the local library summer reading program.  The theme has to do with stories from around the world - so we'll be incorporating a lot of geography awareness in it as well.  And with a more relaxed summer school schedule, hopefully I'll really take advantage to spending more time reading story time books to my toddler and beginning readers.  Life always seems so busy at the other times of the year. 

We are currently reading 'The Hobbit' for our family read.  This one was Aristotle's request and he really is enjoying it - asking me to read after bedtime and even volunteering to do my dishes so that I can read it to him. 

Evening Routines
We've finally got the morning routine going on auto-pilot and so during the summer, we're focusing on establishing an evening routine so that when we get serious about studies again, we can focus on structured time of learning (rather than structured time that is continually being interrupted because we didn't get something done the night before).  Family rhthyms are so important but can sometimes be so difficult to keep maintained. 

Like our Pre-flight, we put the routine to music, this time a lullaby (since we are getting ready for bed).  So at 8:00 pm I start singing to the tune of Brahm's Lullaby.

                          SPICEE Mtg, Take a bath, Brush your teeth, Scripture Story
                          Family Singing, Family Prayer, and Family Record Keeping
                          Tuck in - Individual Prayers, with some time to read
                          Then lights out, pleasant dreams, while you're in God's care.

The Carrot and the stick during our training period is 'Stars to see the stars'.  I copied it from another family - when they do the evening routine (Post-flight) completely and correctly, they earn a star, and when they have earned the required amount, we take them to a movie theater.  If they don't have all the stars by the time someone else has, then that child will be staying home.