Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Math of Kahn

Yes, I'm using someone elses title but it was just too good to pass up.  We've discovered a valuable free resource that is so inspiring.  Kahn Academy has over 22,000 youtube clips  (about10 minutes each) with explanations of most academic subjects.  These videos are not boring or uninformed as you sense Salman Kahn's mastery and passion of the subjects he's teaching.  Even though he is obviously well advanced in understanding the concepts, he can explain it to the student in the simplest and thorough manner.  Obviously, I'm in love with this concept. 
At first, I was thinking this might be something that Shakespeare could look into in her preparation for the GED test, but as I looked at all the subject matters, I got excited about learning some subjects myself.  And as I was working through the knowledge map so I could see where gaps in my math learning are, several of my children stood around desiring to have their turn to work on the problems. 
Yep!  I'm loving it.  Anything that inspires my children is worth a few moments of internet use.