Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wheel of Time - Week 10 - 13th Century BC

This was another century where I just wasn't finding much to report.  Of course, there was a significant event (Moses) but it seemed to be the only one.  Weird. 

And as luck would have it, I had a minor surgery this week and so I couldn't even go to class.  My daughter, Austen, was good enough to step in and substitute for me.  And even on a day that she was giving a huge presentation in her Shakespeare class.  So from what I understand, she told them the story of Moses for this century, then made a hangman game.  Girls against boys.  She put a phrase, well... lines representing letters, up on the board, and if the team answered the event or other information regarding the picture drawn, they earned the right to guess a letter.  Once they figured out the phrase - they used the rest of the time just playing hangman.  So the kids got a fun way to  review what we've learned, Austen got some leadership experience, and I got to stay at home with the intent of resting and recooperating.  At least that was the idea.