Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wheel of Time - Week 5 - Ancient Book Discussion

I encouraged all the kids to read a classic book of their own choice that took place during the ancient time period.  And then we would join together for a discussion - not on the same book, but the sameness of the lifestyles of the books we read.  We chose to read 'Archimedes and the Door of Science' since we started it awhile ago in math and never got around to finishing it.  It also made studying Archimedes in the 3rd Century BC seem like an extended study - so they got a little depth with their bredth. 

Class began with everyone showing their book that they read, and briefly telling the plot or points of the story.  Then we discussed what seemed to be common among all these stories and how these commonalities placed them in the ancient time period.  We also contrasted what was different - not so much different from ancient culture to ancient culture, but different from our time to that time.   

I outlined, briefly, what doctor DeMille did in his Cycles from the Classics CD.  Comparing nomadic to agrarian in whatever category the kids chose - food, clothing, housing, education, gov't, communication, transportation, etc.  I'll be brutally honest - this class was not as successful as the ones where we have engaging stories or interesting activities, but hopefully, again, it gave them perspective.