Thursday, April 28, 2011


Galileo - We've been planning on going to Cedar City to pick up 'Wilberforce' from school, but have had this nagging thought that I shouldn't take baby Enoch on the trip.  I attempted to discuss it with Aristotle last night but he didn't hear me.  Then this morning, he asked me if I thought it would be a good idea to go on the trip or if he should go alone.  That confirmed to me that I should probably stay home. 

Shakespeare - While driving to Idaho Falls, I repeatedly felt this strong voice in my head to stop while on the freeway.  Mommy was driving so I wasn't sure what to do.  We discussed it while driving and she wasn't sure how she could stop on the freeway.  So we quickly finished our business and headed back to the spot where the impression came.  Unfortunately, after about an hour of searching, we couldn't find anything but I was filled with a deep sense of peace.

Austen - One Monday, I was home alone after babysitting for a neighbor.  I had  a feeling that I should work on some of my homework, but I told myself that I would do it when my mommy got home.  Unfortunately, until that didn't happen until after 9:00 that night and so I didn't get anything done (and I'm still behind)

Washington - This morning while doing my chores, I had the thought to check the pigs water trough, even though it was filled last night.  I didn't want to but my papa told me to check it also.  It was full but at least I checked it. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tithing Epiphany

I've been trying to recall any experiences that I might have had that would illustrate the blessings received form paying a full tithe.  I'm teaching a lesson on tithing  and I know lessons are always more powerful if it is something that the teacher owns. 

I must have had some faith promoting experience somewhere along in my youth because I have always desired to pay my tithing and been successful at paying it first predominantly.  I can think of an instance where we discovered we were not as faithful at paying it first as we thought and when we discovered the sum of the missing amount due - It was a painful check to write.  I might add that it was not a good feeling to realize that we were in debt to the Lord and by so doing had denied ourselves blessings that could have been useful.  But even that situation was not the typical -"we don't have money to pay both tithing and another essential need and we chose to pay tithing and were blessed for it".  We just didn't have any money at all and had to earn more so that we could be straight with the Lord.

I've even been praying to help me remember a personal incident to reference to because my memory is - shall I say - less than efficient.  One day, while thinking along these lines, I got the impression that this is my personal experience.  It must have been the spirit because I wasn't sure what that meant and had to think about the significance of the thought for awhile.  I, of course, have been studying tithing in preparation for my lesson and become more aware that, even though we weren't without funds, my tithing checks had been accumulating for quite a while and I needed to hand them into the bishop this week.  (Actually, I've felt that impression for several weeks in a row - but seemed to forget it on Sundays while wrestling with all the kids). 

Then my daughter asked me - did we do something extraordinary to have Papa get all those amazing things happening all of a sudden.  He had been out of work for a couple of weeks and he got a call (before work would likely be available for the season) and was asked to work the next day.  Not five minutes later, while he was still doing the happy dance, a friend called and said that some grain had been spilled on the road and wanted to know if we wanted it for our pigs.  He dropped what he was doing and ran to fill up the back of his truck - free feed.  I'm sure there were other things all of a sudden going our way too, but that is primarily what she was refering to.  I thought about it and with the lesson fresh in my mind (the windows of heaven will open that there will not be room enough to receive it), I mentioned we did just hand in our tithing. 

Then it occurred to me - I've been having spiritual experiences regarding tithing and every other principle of the gospel all the time - but haven't recognized them as such because it happened in everyday life rather than a narrative of that principle.  It's up to me to recognize those principles-in-action and record them as a narrative so that I can see the Lord's hand in my life.  That's partly what our victory journal is for but I'd like to isolate each principle of truth and see it, record it, own it, snd share it.  Hopefully I'll get a collection of stories to not only strengthen my faith, but record my history and application of truth to share with my children. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Incubator

 An incubator is not that hard to make.  Now if you have a cardboard box, a heating pad, a couple dish towels, and a blanket, you could make one too.  Put fresh eggs in it and wait for the chicks in 21 days. 
And that's all - Thanks folks.


Adventure Boxes - 4/15 - 4/29

Foundations:    Discussions - Tithing / Learning
                       Song - Choose the Right
                       Life Skills - Mending
                                       - Kitchen complete clean-up
                       Service - Pick-up college kids from school
                       Value - We are Honourable

Math/Science:  Mathematician - Descartes
                        Lab - Build and incubator and monitor for 21 days
                        Media - Nova or National Geographic
                        Math in action - Chart BG every 2 hours
                        Craft - Choose a craft card (princesses)
                        Continue Piano lesson - "Book of Mormon Stories"
                        Game - Times Square Game (Number Jugglers)

Language Arts:  Pedigree Chart / Family Stories
                         Phonics - My First Books
                         Self Studies
                         Blog - papers from books or journal prompts
                         Game -  Goofy Sentences
                         Marking scriptures
                         The Friend

History:             Passport

Counting our Blessings

Galileo - I'm seeing inspiration and the bestowal of heavenly gifts all around me.  My children, my husband, my insight in study, my desires, my abilities, gifts of the spirit, increased faith, etc. etc. etc.

Austen - We have wool to learn how to card, spin, and weave from our sheep, Katherine.  Heavenly Father is providing a way for us to be self-reliant.

Washington - Jesus gave his life for me so that someday I can live with him again.  I am grateful that I am alive, have a body, and am on the path home. 

Hypatia - I have an amazing family.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Squanto was kidnnapped but he was saved by two men, and they sent him to England.  Then he was helped by a man while in England. The man helped him for a long time. Then he went back to America, but his tribe was gone. He joined a different tribe, then he helped the pilgrims. 


It's a Miracle!!!!!!

Galileo:  I'm in tune with a lot more promptings and inspiration.

Shakespeare:  Our first performance of Twelfth Night was an awesome success.

Austen:  I completed all the articles in my constitution journal.

Washington:  Papa has been here for an entire week - so far.  No work means we get our papa back. 

Hypatia:  My friend keeps calling and asking me to play - she must like me.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Posting Ideas

Adventure Boxes
      Weekly Plan
      Adventure Activity summary
Victory Journal
      Recognizing childrens success
      Positive Review
      Knowledge insights
      Counting Blessings (gratitude journal)
      Strengths / Talents
      Serving others
      Books read
Return and Report
      daily accountability
      Monthly memories
Personal & Family History
      Journal prompts
      Faith promoting stories
      Slice of History prompts
Bedtime Stories
Book reviews (personal and family reading)
Field trips
Monthly parties
Youth of Nobility Activities
iFAMILY activities
SPICEE Interviews
Random Thoughts
Principles of Truth
Paper - Posts
Science Experiments
Art drawings
Word of the week
Pictorial memories of our daily life
Spotlight a child
Foundations Academy picture journey


Galileo - I got back adjusted and hopefully will be able to walk and bend without pain soon.

Shakespeare - Today is my first performance of 'Twelfth Night'

Austen - I gave my science presentation (and I'm glad that it's over).  My hair is longer but I'm not sure if my experiment caused it.

Washington - I slayed three dragons in my Knights of Freedom class - managing my blood sugars, not boobing when things don't go my way, and overcoming my fear of reading.  It may only be a temporary death but I still learned to conquer it. 

Hypatia - We are watching a storm right now - counting how many seconds from lightning to thunder.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adventure Boxes

I'm thinking about making a few changes to our adventure box system so as to include the core values, projects, Service. and life skills that don't seem to fit into the main Math, Language Arts, History, or Science subjects.  I have those subjects be the focus only so that my children can understand that they are learning the same things as their public school friends (even if they are having a lot more fun and less busy work). But the foundational knowledge and skills are the very purpose of our home learning.

Math:  Mathematician:  Rene Descartes
           Craft: Placemats
           Math-in-action:  price compare eggs with chicken feed and/or free range
           Game:  Factors and Products (toss a bean on 100 number chart and list as
                       many factors as possible)
           Piano lesson:  learn to play a song from children's songbook (Faith in God)
           Cooking:  Double a recipe
Language Arts: Pedigree Chart (its slow going with only one ancestor per day)
           Phonics:  Scrambled Sentences
           The Friend Magazine
           Blog entries
           Diagram Sentences (Subject/predicate)
           Self Studies
           Mark scriptures on Holy Ghost (Faith in God)
           Mastery: Articles of Faith

History:  Explore 'This week in History'

Foundations:  Discussions:  work / tithing / Holy Ghost
                     Service:  Secret service to a needy family
                                   (clean their house and make them dinner)
                                   Volunteer for helping with primary
                     Life Skills:  sew on buttons / iron dress - consider making a skirt
                     Celebrations: last week of our Savior / Passover & Easter

Keeping a Positive Perspective

Aristotle - It's working!  It's working!  I fixed the trailer on my truck.

Galileo - I got a Say-go-be-do and I acted on it.  (take dinner and help clean a friends house). 

Shakespeare - I created about $50.00 in a day and half (Lemonade Stand) in order to go to Shakespeare Showdown but unfortunately they decided not to go - so I get to help with gas expenses of going to play practice everyday.

Austen - I can successfully walk without too much pain (I sprained my ankle last night - and it hurt)

Washington -  I got to help our family do a secret service - and I got to play with friends in the process.

Hypatia - I got to drive the car last night for about 7 miles.  I only went off the road once.  It was a lot of fun.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Galileo:   Baby Enoch is finally put on some weight. Frequent nursing is paying off.

Shakespeare:   We found the missing library book (in the Christmas boxes of all places) so I don't have to buy it.

Austen:  I might be getting my very own cat!

Washington:  Papa and I had a sock war - I started it by accidently hitting him in the face with his socks. 

Hapatia:  I helped mommy take care of the baby.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Moments of Gratitude

Today during the Relief Society lesson on Charity, I felt a great sense of gratitude to my Heavenly Father for what little gift of charity I have received from him.  
      When I was seeking earnestly the gift of charity in my life, I had the preconceived idea that the Lord would bless me with more thoughtfulness, more awareness to others needs, more capacity to serve others.  I'm pretty sure that has not occurred (I guess I need to pray with those specific requests in my heart), but I have felt an increase of graciousness toward others.  I have been able to not be offended or feel that I am superior or better than those around me.  I have been kinder and more patient, giving others the benefit of the doubt, and more patient with their misconceived perceptions.  I've heard this scripture many times but it takes on new meaning when the spirit confirms that I have been blessed with these qualities and I cannot deny it.  
And Charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all thing, hopeth all things, endureth all things.                        
-Moroni 7:45      

What an amazing realization that fills my heart with peace. 
   My son, age 11, decided he wants to start the habit of studying the scriptures before going to bed.  Wow!  I never would have considered doing that at the age of 11.  Truely the Lord has inspired him to be filled with desire as he studies on his own with pencil and notebook.  I'm not even sure where he got that example from.
My husband has been diagnosed with pneumonia...again.   This has happened frequently in the last 3 years.  I am so grateful for modern medicine, where a disease that would have taken his life years ago, is simply an inconvience today. 
Even though I'm not the greatest storyteller, my family loves to hear me read.  Begging me to continue anytime there is an interruption, trying to hush the younger children so that I won't have to stop to be heard, dragging out dinner clean-up so that the story doesn't end.  Do you think the quality of the story might have something to do with it?  Anywho...I am grateful for the united feelings and shared experiences we receive through reading stories together.  More than the book is taking place.
I'm new to blogging, and reading other - more seasoned - bloggers is a little intimidating and sets a standard for me to reach for.  But I am so grateful for the amazing posts that I have recently read concerning scripture study, motherhood, and family life.  It is so inspiring and gives me hope and desire to work a little harder, seek a little more intently, reach a little higher, and improve myself and my family. 
With the birth of my baby, my medication for my thyroid (or substitute for my my thyroid) is in need of adjustment again.  But these last 6 weeks have been glorious to be able to rise in the morning and have enough energy to sustain me through the rest of the day.  I'm not sure the adjustment will give me such luxury but I am fully enjoying being able to be mom throughout the entire day and feel the same as others do on a regular basis. 
My attempts at eating healthier is so much easier that I anticipated.  The Lord has blessed me with the ability to stay true to the planned diet and made 'my burden light' so to speak.  I'm loving the moderation, the simplistic, the raw and whole foods that my body is receiving - and of all miracles - it isn't costing us more as I was sure it would.  I feel very grateful for my improved and sustained health, especially at this time in my life.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Makings of March

With a new baby just arrived the day before (Feb 28th), March was filled with busy activities as well as precious moments of snuggles and quiet ponderings.  The first week of Enoch's life, I had the luxury of spending at home as we adjusted to his physical body mechanics (learning to nurse, sleep patterns, adjustments to the rest of the family and Joan of Arc's advancement from being the baby).  Fortunately, we have such good neighbors to volunteer to take Shakespeare to see the play A Tale of Two Cities at the Hale Center Theater on March 1st with the rest of her class.  She loved it, of course and couldn't decide what was the more exciting conversation piece - the play or having a new brother.  Fortunatelty. Aristotle was able to stay home for a couple days to take care and chauffer the other kids, while I got to spend some bonding time with baby Enoch. 

Isn't he Precious!

On the 9th of March, Washington turned 11 years old - and we finished the last requirement for the last Webelos pin on his birthday.  On this busy day was a lot of firsts for Baby Enoch.  Our first day back to iFAMILY, first time shopping & running errands, first time to visit Grandma (She says he's the cutest baby she's ever seen - I think she meant since the last one).

On that Friday, March 11, we spent the day helping a friend finish a quilt for their daughter's wedding.  After 50 + hours of driving, Shakespeare passed the tests and received her driver's license. That was a major goal and accomplishment that she had been working on.  She also earned her personal progress award this month.  Also, Washington was able to finally ride in Aristotle's big truck on an asphalt delivery.  He just loves spending time with his Papa so it was a highlight adventure.

March 14th brought about Shakespeare's 16th birthday.  After Seminary, we went shopping for her gifts (because I hadn't gotten around to it before) and although it wasn't for her birthday, we came home with a family gift (that's what Aristotle called it).  We bought an X-box with Kinect with the requirement to the kids to exercise everyday for an hour - and they could count Kinect.  I never thought I'd ever allow a video game in my home but when it encourages physical activity, even I don't mind playing it myself. 

The next day our big pig got out of the pen while my older kids were gone to mutual and again, our amazing neighbors came to my rescue.  Some even coming so far as from Rigby to chase it down for me.  I am so grateful to have friends who come to my rescue when I need them.  I guess it happened again while we were in town a couple days later and was brought back again by our neighbors.  Needless to say, Aristotle shot the pig and now our freezer is full - with a new, stronger pig pen in the works. 

The following day, March 16th, we spent the day at iFAMILY again and visited Grandma to make sure she ate and took her medication again.  Afterwards we stopped at our cousins, while I ran to the store.  After I finished picking up some groceries, I put Enoch and Joan of Arc in the van and quickly shut the door to hurry home.  Immediately, I realized I shut the door too soon for her to have time to remove her hand.  Her poor little hand was shut in the sliding van door!  I felt sick as I looked at the expression of pain and shock come across her face.  I tried to desperately open the door but it was jammed and I couldn't relieve her pain.  You know those times when panicking makes things worse - well, I was about as panicked as I could be - screaming, crying, hitting the door trying to unjam it, calling everyone for help.  I still get sick thinking of the pain I caused my sweet little two year old baby. 

The police came, the QRU came, an ambulance was on the way, my brother & sister-in-law came, and fortunately, even Aristotle was close enough in his run to come.  The police got a crow bar & pried the door open just enough to release her hand.  Amazingly enough, even though her little fingers were smashed flat as a pancake, nothing was broken.  Definately not an experience I want to repeat.

Sometime during the month, Washington got a haircut.

Aristotle had some fun doing it too.  Finally, he cut the rest off.

On March 19th,  we had our monthly family party.  The theme was an Unbirthday party.  When I originally planned the theme, I was thinking that since I would have a new baby and three birthdays in the month of March, that having one big party with friends, cake & Ice cream would be sufficient.  But of course, each birthday had it's own cake and treats.  The unbirthday party was fun but not many of the guests were able to come so it was lacking the numbers needed for some of the activities.  I had a nice visit with the friends that came though. 

The next day, Hypatia gave a talk on 'the first vision' and I gave my Relief Society lesson on 'Service'.  It was one of those lessons where I had a lot of room for improvement, so I got far more out of it than I'm sure anyone else did.  I'm still reflecting on the subject in an effort to improve. 

Monday some friends came over and helped us butcher, grind, & wrap our slaughtered pig.  I got to visit with my friend and hold the baby while the dad's and kids did all the work. 

March 23rd, Washington received his Arrow of Light Award along with the remainder of the Webelos pins & the 20 pins patch.  He set that goal and we actually made it. The same day, Hypatia didn't get to go to iFAMILY or Pack mtg because she got a fairly bad case of pink eye from the friends that helped us with the pig.  She didn't like having to stay home when fun things were going on. 

I felt impressed to improve on several areas of life this month (something about a new baby and bigger projects - go figure).  I've felt a strong desire and, believe it or not, ability to eat healthier  - for the entire family too.  In fact, I even made a commitment to NOT EVEN ONCE eat refined sugars.  I've been loving how much better I feel and the empowerment of healthier food choices.  I've also been working on finding the balance in my life between self-reliance and serving my fellowmen (inspired by my RS lesson).  I'm amazed at how little I actually do for others outside of my family and am attempting to remedy that -- I know, seasons, but it has been an eye-opener.  I've also felt impressed to be more valiant at keeping the Sabbath day holy.  I put together a Sabbath basket with all those activities that we're supposed to work on but never get around to because my Sabbath was always occupied with naps and planning.  Like Family History, letter writing, Personal Progress & Faith in God programs, faith promoting stories, etc.  It's been interesting how different the Sabbaths have felt since focusing on making it an extra special day. 

We went to a friend's open house, followed by dropping Hypatia off to go with Aristotle on another delivery.  It's becoming quite the papa/child date.  Aristotle's birthday came and went on March 27th.  I think he even had to go work. 

Then, in March we decided to start a family blog so the kids could publish their papers and have some type of accountability for their schoolwork.  Austen was especially happy because she has been wanting one for quite some time now.  We decided on the same name as the newspaper we started after reading 'Little Women'.  We're attempting to figure out how to operate the blog, how to download pictures and how to get in the habit of recording our life experiences on a fairly regular basis.  Overall it has been a fun and busy month.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Adventure Boxes - 4/10

I'm a little late getting the adventure boxes planned, posted, and even untilized this week.  I'm not exactly sure where to place the blame but life is busy with Shakespeare preparations occupying so much more than Wednesday afternoon and taxes due today.  We spent most of the day yesterday trying to address some of the activities but progress is slow.  Here's the original plan.

Math:  Mathematician:  Renee Descartes
           Craft:  Times table placemats - empty times table chart to fill in the blanks
           Life of Fred:  Lesson #2
           Storybook - mathematical principles
           Math-in-action:  Chart how many eggs we gather per day to calculate cost
                                       effectiveness of having chickens vs. buying eggs.
           Family Apprenticeship: Manners - completes a Faith in God requirement also

Language Arts:  Happy Phonics:  Build a Sentence Game
           Family History:  Pedigree charts
           Publish book reviews on blog for 'Squanto' and 'My Side of the Mountain'
           Passport / Timeline
           Self- Studies (Conference address for Faith in God)
           Oral Narration / Picture Narration
           First Language Lessons
           Choose the next Family Reading - We chose Sarah Plain & Tall, followed by Charly

History:  Self-studies

Science:  Experiment how best to behave while Mommy is working on taxes.  In other words - no science this week. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Return and Report - 4/5

Galileo - Preflight, Devotional, Passport (Netherlands), Math Adventure Box (War), Language Arts Adventure Box (read patriarchal blessings for Grandparents), Submitted Advertisements to Media Resources for iShakespeareLive, Nap, held a sick baby, blog, washed dishes, sewed costume for play.

Shakespeare - PAC, made angel food cake, Devotional, took papa to the doctor, Shakespeare practice, made another angel food cake, Young Women

Austen - PAC, wrote paper for 'Key of Liberty' and posted on blog, Devotional, Passport (Netherlands), Vocabulary for George Washington's Farewell address, played math games & history games on the internet, finished article two and half of article three in the Constitution journal, Young Women.

Washington - PAC, wrote paper about self and posted on blog, Devotional, Passport (Netherlands), played war (Times style with mommy, Plus style with Hypatia), played math games on the internet, entered names on pedigree chart, read from Squanto, looked up French and Indian War on youtube and watched several documentaries on it, began watching 'Geronimo'.

Hypatia - PAC, Devotional, Passport (Netherlands), played war (plus style with Washington and mommy), played math games on the internet, entered names on Pedigree chart, began another thank-you card for teacher.

Looking at the Bright Side

Enoch - I'm putting on a little weight.

Joan of Arc - We got more bananas!

Hypatia - I get to go to Achievement Days today

Washington - Hypatia likes playing with me.

Austen - I get to babysit and earn some money.

Shakespeare - I'm doing better on my lines.

Wilberforce - I wonder as Iwander out under the sky of the beauties of this earth... I wonder, how in the world can I be sad when there is such great majesty in the world around me! I am so very blessed, how then can my heart hang low and sorrow! this life is good, I am glad I am blessed with it and mostly at the moment, I am grateful for friends who help me be a better and happier person!

Galileo - I did several acts of Service yesterday - and it felt good to be of help to others.

Aristotle - the world is falling apart all around me and I'm at peace.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Report

Hello. My name is George Washington, and I love math, inventions, freedom and I love motorcycles


Positive Review

Enoch - Mommy loves me!

Joan of Arc- I got to play with blocks all day

Hypatia - I woke up and my eye wasn't all crusted over - Pink eye is gone - Yeah

Washington - I wrote in my journal last night

Austen - I wrote a paper for 'Key of Liberty'

Shakespeare - I made an angel food cake for papa.

Galileo - We're almost done reading 'My side of the Mountain'

Aristotle - I'm making a sturdy pig pen, so the pigs won't escape.

Swearing Around Children

       Well I think that no one should swear at all, unfortunately that is their choice.  But the government should not make a law against that. The police would have to be every where and listen to people's conversations - that would take away their right of privacy.  No one would want to go to the park or any where.  Police would have to put recorders in people's houses - that would not be good.
      People should not swear but the government should not pass laws like that.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Return and Report 4/4

Galileo - I searched Journal of Discourses vol. 2 for insights on tithing.  PAC (pre-flight, animals, chores) Devotional (also introduced blog pseudonyms, bios, & daily reports), put together adventure boxes.  Finalized blog intro page. Figured out how Galileo determined the formulas for the relationship between time and velocity & distance. Visited with Wilberforce. Read from 'The other Side of the Mountain".  Blogged some more.  Took care of baby Enoch. Circle the wagons.  Family reading.

Shakespeare - I worked on my constitution journal.  Galileo experimentation.  I also worked on my father's finances (since I'm now his secretary). Made dinner.  Exercised. Family Reading.

Austen -  Galileo Experimentation.  George Washington's farewell address vocabulary - 5 words.  Constitution journal (one section).  Art practice - cougar.  Exercise.  Family Reading.

Washington -  Galileo experimentation. Wrote list of qualities admired in a person.   Read 'Squanto'.  Exercised.  Helped Aristotle fix a pigpen. Hauled 5 metal beams (for pigpen)  Family Reading.

Hypatia - Galileo experimentation.  Wrote a thank-you card to teacher. Family Reading.  Exercised.  

Adventure Boxes 4/4 - 4/8

Math - Mathematician: Galileo
           Storybook:  mathematical principles
           Game:  War (X table style - higher number states multiplication problem
                       & if correct, gets to keep it.  For instance 3 & 4 means  4 X 3 = 12)
           Math-in-Action:  Family Finances
           Craft:  Make X table placemat to eat on until that number is mastered.
           Count Your Blessings:  Highway Clean-up (award for the most bags filled)

Language Arts:  Continue filling Pedigree chart - (Faith-in-God)
                         Make list of desired qualities  - (Faith-in-God)
                         Read a conference address - (Faith-in-God)
                         Blogspot daily entries (Retun & Report / Victory Journal)
                         Timeline entries
                         Finish family reading & write paper

History:  French & Indian War summary readings
              Library books
              Youtube search

Science:  Speed & velocity didn't happen last week so we'll try it again


VICTORY! ! ! ! !

Enoch - I get held each time I cry

Joan of Arc - I snuggled with Papa during my nap and with Shakespeare the last two nights

Hypatia - I am hypatia on the blogspot.

Washington - We got two new huge pigs and a rooster.  Wait... that means more work for me.

Austen - We finally got a blogspot - yeah!

Shakespeare - I am doing really well on most of the challenging dances on Dance Master. (Kinect on Xbox)

Galileo - the Sabbath basket was a success at helping me stay focused on the Lord's errand  - Oh, and conference was of course fabulous and very inspirational.

Aristotle - My fever subsided for awhile and my back ache is much improved.  And I'm still home!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Great Books

"Do you know anyone who might want to buy The Great Books Series?" a member from the ward where we used to live asked, right in the middle of Christmas rush. 

"Oh, I'm sure I can find someone" as the thought of the ideal Christmas gift ran through my head.  Who wouldn't salivate at the idea of giving or receiving such a collection as a gift.  Expecially since I knew so many TJEder's.  But as the opportunity to advertise came - I kept a tight lip.  I knew I didn't have the money, but I wanted them for myself. 

When sharing my desire with my husband - of course he told me to go ahead and get them because it was an investment for our family and an heirloom for our children.  How grateful I am that my husband can see the bigger picture.

Even though I told the buyer that I wanted them, I didn't actually come up with the money for another three months, increasing my anticipation with every little payment and paycheck depletion. 

Finally, I took the plunge and finished payments so that I could pick the books up.  As I brought the two heavy boxes into the house in the orignal boxes and unwrapped each gorgeous book from the original stamped paper wrappng, I began to feel a foreboding weight that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.  What was I thinking when I felt I would be able to study these books in my spare time.  I recently gave birth to my seventh child only four weeks before, and was struggling to be consistent with parentng and structured time in our home education.  Family reading has been hit and miss for some time now (with much more miss than hit), and I hadn't successfully finished above 5 books myself in the last year and even less attendance to colloquia.  There was no way I'd be able to make it through such difficult reads as Gibbon, the Federalist papers, Virgil, and Euclid without a mentor and while raising a family.  The regret was almost palatable and I felt sure that by the time I actually got around to studying intently, my children would be gone and the books would be too commonplace by then. 

But then I put them all in the bookshelf and stood back in awe at the appearance alone. 

What a beautiful set of books.  I've never owned pretty book sets before and there is something just breathtaking about them.   I still don't know if I will be able to find a mentor or even be able to find time to study them for awhile, but for now I'm just giddy to look at the collection and anticipate all the truth I will discover within those pages.  And fortunately, there are a few literature selections that should be easy enough to begin perusing through the pages while I am in this stage of my life.